Monday, December 17, 2007

sun cluster 3.x

This reference provides quick lookup support for the Sun Cluster command-line interface. Many tasks require cluster preparation before
you issue these commands. For information about cluster preparation, refer to the appropriate cluster administration manual.
Add a SCSI Quorum Device # clquorum add device
Add a NAS Quorum Device # clquorum add -t netapp_nas -p filer =nasdevicename,lun_id =IDnumdevice \
Add a Quorum Server # clquorum add -t quorumserver -p qshost =IPaddress, port =portnumber \
Remove a Quorum Device # clquorum remove device
Register a Resource Type # clresourcetype register type
Remove a Resource Type # clresourcetype unregister type
Create a Failover Resource Group # clresourcegroup create group
Create a Scalable Resource Group # clresourcegroup create -S group
Bring Online All Resource Groups # clresourcegroup online +
Delete a Resource Group # clresourcegroup delete group
Delete a Resource Group and All of Its Resources # clresourcegroup delete -F group
Switch the Current Primary Node of a Resource Group # clresourcegroup switch -n nodename group
Move a Resource Group Into the UNMANAGED State # clresourcegroup unmanage group
Suspend Automatic Recovery of a Resource Group # clresourcegroup suspend group
Resume Automatic Recovery of a Resource Group # clresourcegroup resume group
Change a Resource Group Property # clresourcegroup set -p Failback=true + name=value
Add a Node To a Resource Group # clresourcegroup add-node -n nodename group
Remove a Node From a Resource Group # clresourcegroup remove-node -n nodename group
Create a Logical Hostname Resource # clreslogicalhostname create -g group lh-resource
Create a Shared Address Resource # clressharedaddress create -g group sa-resource
Create a Resource # clresource create -g group -t type resource
Remove a Resource # clresource delete resource
Disable a Resource # clresource disable resource
Change a Single-Value Resource Property # clresource set -t type -p name=value +
Add a Value to a List of Property Values # clresource set -p name+=value resource
Existing values in the list are unchanged.
Create an HAStorage Plus Resource # clresource create -t HAStoragePlus -g group \
-p FileSystemMountPoints=mount-point-list \
-p Affinityon=true rs-hasp
Clear the STOP_FAILED Error Flag on a Resource # clresource clear -f STOP_FAILED resource
Add a VxVM Device Group # cldevicegroup create -t vxvm -n node-list -p failback=true vxdevgrp
Remove a Device Group # cldevicegroup delete devgrp
Switch a Device Group to a New Node # cldevicegroup switch -n nodename devgrp
Bring Offline a Device Group # cldevicegroup offline devgrp
Update Device IDs for the Cluster # cldevice refresh diskname
Add a Node to Cluster
From the node to be added, which has access: # clnode add -c clustername -n nodename -e endpoint1, endpoint2 \
(If the node does not have access to cluster -e endpoint3, endpoint4
configuration, see the claccess (1CL) man page.)
Remove a Node From the Cluster
From the node to be removed, which is in noncluster
mode and has access: # clnode remove
(If the node does not have access to cluster
configuration, see the claccess(1CL) man page.)
Switch All Resource Groups and Device Groups # clnode evacuate nodename
Off of a Node
Manage the Interconnect Interfaces # clinterconnect disable nodename:endpoint
These commands disable a cable so that # clinterconnect enable nodename:endpoint
maintenance can be performed, then enable the
same cable afterward.
Display the Status of All Cluster Components # cluster status
Display the Status of One Type of Cluster Component # command status
Display the Complete Cluster Configuration # cluster show
Display the Configuration of One Type of Cluster # command show
List One Type of Cluster Component # command list
Display Sun Cluster Release and Version Information # clnode show-rev -v
This command lists the software versions
on the current node.
Map Node ID to Node Name # clnode show grep nodename
Enable Disk Attribute Monitoring on All Cluster Disks # cltelemetryattribute enable -t disk rbyte.rate wbyte.rate \
read.rate write.rate
Disable Disk Attribute Monitoring on All Cluster Disks # cltelemetryattribute disable -t disk rbyte.rate wbyte.rate \
read.rate write.rate
Shut Down the Entire Cluster # cluster shutdown
From one node:
Shut Down a Single Node # clnode evacuate
# shutdown
Boot a Single Node
(SPARC) ok> boot
(x86) Press any key to reboot: keystroke
Reboot a Node Into Noncluster Mode
(SPARC) ok> boot -x
(x86) Press any key to reboot: boot interactively and add -x to the multiboot
© 2007 Sun Microsystems, Inc. Part No. 819-6811-11, August 2007

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